Dr. Walter Jaakkola,
I have been in practice for 11 years. The BodyScan encompasses the techniques I find to be most
beneficial, ingcluding chiropractic, homeopathy, nutrition and neuroemotional technique. I use the BodyScan to cover all these components and am able to be very specific with my remedies. The BodyScan 2010 has been the answer I was searching for.
The BodyScan has enabled me to take better care of my patients and to be specific in finding and addressing the cause of my patient’s problems. I see a multitude of different conditions and seem to get the hard cases, where the patients have gone everywhere and done everything and turn to me as a last resort. We currently have a waiting list of 1-1/2 to 2 months for an initial visit. We receive numerous referrals daily. I now treat cases from the simple to extremely complex with confidence. The BodyScan 2010 has boosted my ability to handle these cases to an unprecedented level.
For example, an eight-year-old boy was injured when he was struck in the side of the head with an automobile airbag. He sustained brain trauma and was in a vegetative state. He was slowly dying as he lay in the hospital, and no one knew why. His mother brought him in and on the first visit the BodyScan showed a severe bacterial imbalance and need for nutritional support for his brain. The boy has progressed over the last year to where he can sit, walk with some assistance, smile and is attending a special school. He continues to improve with every visit which is now about every two months.
Dr. Jaakkola is a graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic. He is certified as a Chiropractic Sports Physician, Chiropractic
Acupuncturist, Lymphologist, and Applied Clinical Nutritionist. He has completed advanced postgraduate study in Neuroemotional technique as well as Homeopathy and Biofeedback techniques.
Dr. Jaakkola is also a graduate of IABP. |
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